Friday, January 25, 2008


I'm afraid I'm going to go a bit crazy if Spring does not come, say, in February. My beloved 88 Corsica currently has no breaks, leaving us totally homebound after Husband goes to work. I try to tell myself peppy things about hibernation: "Just think, Self, of all the work you're going to have to do outside when Spring rolls around. You might as well hunker down and do all your inside projects. Yay." However, mid-January, I somehow lose the ability to listen to this chipper voice, promptly tell it to SHUT-IT, and mope about until it gets warmer. I even give my winter decorations the evil eye.

On the cheerful side of things, I finally finished the top of my scrap quilt. 3.5 years later. You can have a glimpse of the back and hear the full story when it's complete.

This week I started quilting Phoebe's quilt, which is a green version of Eowyn's quilt. In the spring (dear, sweet spring) we're going to combine the girls' rooms and bunk up the beds. This is the second round of identical quilts I've made. Making two nearly-the-same quilts is rather brutal; you can imagine why: quilting the second one is a total bore. No creative decisions to be made, same old, same old, just gettin' her done. While I quilt I dream about that tiny nursery room turned into my own little sewing nook.

Well, this was a totally depressing post; forgive me. I think I need to force myself outside for some fresh zero-degree air.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Hello there,
Don't apologise for you post. I like to know there are real people out there in blog land, not just the 'perfect' Keep it real. I can't wait to hear about your scrap quilt.



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