Tuesday, January 15, 2008

$6 Later

Two $3 frames from Wal-Mart, fourty-five minutes, and viola. Eowyn saw hers and giggled, "That's a picture of my crazy hair!" Phoebe's looks a little less recognizable, plus I added a little hair in an attempt to make her look like a girl. Maybe in six months I'll update hers.

1. Have your kids stand sideways with good posture and take a few pictures. I had Eowyn talk to Phoebe while I took her picture, but after I traced it, it looked more alien-ish than like a baby, so I ended up using a different side pose that I had.

2. On your computer turn the pictures black and white.

3. Size them so that their heads are similar in size and print them out to match the size of your frame.
4. Put the picture against a bright window, put a piece of white paper over it and trace the profile.
5. Cut out the tracing, then using it as a template, trace it on whatever color you want the final silhouette to be.
6. Cut out the final silhouette, then use a glue stick to glue it to a white piece of paper. Put it in the frame. You're done.

I was thinking about doing the whole family, but, quite frankly, I'd rather not see what my face looks like from the side. I think these could be the start to a very cute wall. You could add monograms, do Grandpas and Grandmas...

1 comment:

Pacer8 said...

I don't think so!!!


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