Monday, January 21, 2008

Hey there

So we decided to quit Xanga, but have taken our dear sweet time doing it. Here we are at Blogger. Here's to another year of the delightful mix of wonderful inspiration and wasting time, dosed up with a few of my "I'm going to quit blogging" threats. Cheers.

I finished Eowyn's quilt a while ago. She got it around Christmas time without a lot of fanfare. I thought about wrapping it, but couldn't find the point. After all, it's not like she hadn't seen me sewing it every day and stopped by to confirm that yes, it was hers, and yes, it would be done soon.

I am a fan of cotton batting, stippling, and crinkly vintage. I put several surprise messages in the quilting which I suppose she'll find once I get around to teaching her how to read :).

I'm happy with it. She is too. What more could you ask for?


Jona Giammalva said...

Simply beautiful!! I can see why she's happy with it, I'm happy just looking at it!

Rebekah said...

what a beautiful quilt! you did such a nice job on the stitching : )

Oh to be a young girl again...I would be totally ecstatic over this!

beki said...


Jennifer Paganelli said...

I love that you dropped in and I love that you made this incredible quilt...Heather should see this...xoxo Jennifer

Grammy Hopkins said...

Its beautiful! You never cease to amaze me in what you can dream up! I love the picture of Eowyn with it too.

Now would you consider making me another one??


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